Parkside Animal Health Center


Mon – Fri:     8am – 6pm
Sat:               8am – 4pm
Sun:              Closed

Senior Pets Need Special Care!

The bottom line…the sooner we detect disease, the better we can treat it and longer your pet can live with a great quality of life.  With this goal in mind, and in conjunction with recommendations from the American Veterinary Medical Association, here are the recently updated recommendations for senior pets. Recommendations for Senior Dogs and […]

Prophylactic Gastropexy

What is it? Gastropexy is a surgical procedure in which we permanently attach the stomach to the body wall, preventing  it from twisting. Prophylactic means we do it in a healthy dog, usually a puppy getting neutered or spayed at the same time, before he or she has a problem. It is a technically simple […]

Professional Photography

Like our photos? We can’t thank Odd Little Duck Photography enough for the photos we share on our website and in our clinic.  Please visit the official website at for all of your photography needs.