Meet Kizzie! She is a very sweet rescue dog who, for her 8yr birthday, got scheduled to have her teeth cleaned and some bumps removed. While we didn’t think any of the bumps were cancerous, they had grown and one had become infected in the past, so it was best to get them gone!
Kizzie was little nervous when she got her but did well with some snuggles and her pre-surgical medications helped to take away the rest of her anxiety.
We were worried about one of her upper canines (the big “fang teeth”) that had some abnormal enamel. As part of her dental procedure, we take x-rays, so were able to see that both the pulp ( the center soft part with vessels and nerves) and the root appeared normal – this was great news!

Once we shaved the areas of her lumps (one was over her side, and the other over her shoulder), we could see they were each was a little over an inch across. She also had a small skin tumor on her ear that was nipped off. Surgery was very straightforward, and both of her larger lumps were consistent with cysts once they were removed. We put all the stitches under the skin, so there wasn’t anything to chew on, but we had to warn Kizzie’s parents that she still might have to wear a cone to protect the sites from licking.
After she woke up, she was a little confused – we suspect Kizzie might have been imagining some pink bunny rabbits and purple squirrels! But it wasn’t long before she was ready to go home.
She is now about 10 days post-op, and is doing great! (These are pictures of her resting and healing at home). We think our laser therapy for dogs protocol may have helped too! And the best part is that her mom reports she hasn’t had to wear her cone collar! Every time she feels a little itchy or like she wants to lick, she gets her sweat-shirt put on and that has protected her incisions – way to go, Kizzie!