We contacted Big Dogs Huge Paws (as you know, Dr. Winton has been working with this wonderful rescue for years) about their wish list – what do the dogs in their care need? This is the list they were able to provide for us – if you can help, we are happy to be a drop-off location for them through the end of February. As you can imagine, giant breed dogs have some pretty special needs, and these items will really make a difference for the pets and their foster families. You can donate directly, also, via their website: http://bigdogshugepaws.com/donate. You can also find out about adoptable dogs on their site if you are looking for your next family member. Thank you for any support you can offer!
–General items:
- crate (48″ or ideally 54″)
- cleaning supplies (nature’s miracle, steam cleaner, etc)
- leashes (no flexi-leads/nylon or leather only)
- collars
- raised feeding dishes
- dog beds
–Anxiety Reducing Tools:
- DAP Comfort Zone Diffuser: http://www.petcomfor
tzone.com/dogs.html - Through a Dog’s Ear CDs: http://throughadogsear.co
m/ - Anxiety by Green Hope Farms: http://www.greenhopeess
ences.com/Essences/AnimalWelln ess/anxiety.html - Rescue Remedy: http://www.onlynatural
pet.com/products/Bach-Rescue-R emedy-Flower-Essences/238000.a spx?click=47609|g=rescue%20rem edy&9mtype=e&9mkw=20354662783& 9mad=367045227&9mraw=rescue%20 remedy&s_kwcid=TC-4434-2035466 2783-e-367045227&utm_source=bi ng&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign =product-pet&mkwid=GPFxJRhi&cr id=367045227&mp_kw=rescue%20re medy&mp_mt=e
- Comfort Trainer Head Harness: http://www.petex
pertise.com/dog-collars-dog-ha rnesses/comfort-trainer-head-h alter.html - Freedom No-Pull Harness: http:
//www.wiggleswagswhiskers.com/ newsite/freedom-no-pull-harnes s.htm - Comfort Flex Harness: http://w
ww.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuse action=product.display&Product _ID=1771&ParentCat=202 - Sense-ation Harness: http://ww
w.softouchconcepts.com/product /sense-ation-harness - Premier Gentle Leader Head Halter: http://www.premier.com
/View.aspx?page=dogs/products/ collars/gentleleader/descripti on - Premier Easy Walk Harness: htt
p://www.premier.com/View.aspx? page=dogs/products/collars/eas ywalk/description
- KONG: http://www.bigbreeddog.c
om/product/PSU-KNG-T1MT - Nylabone: http://www.nylabone.
com/products/ - The Everlasting Treat Ball by Triple Crown Products: http://www.amazon.co
m/StarMark-TCETBL-Everlasting- Treat-Large/dp/B0012V1G0Y - The Bouncy Bone by Premier Pet Products: http://www.bigbreedd
og.com/product/PPP-BB-BCYBN - The Tricky Treat Ball: http://www.amazon.com/Om
ega-Tricky-Treat-Ball-Large/dp /B0002DK26M - Tug-a-Jug by Premier Pet Products: http://www.bigbreedd
og.com/product/PPP-BB-TAJ - The Buster Food Cube: http://www.bigbreeddog.c
- Bully Sticks: http://www.bestbullyst
icks.com/ - Dried Liver Treats: http://www.nextag.com/
dog-liver-treats-pro-treat/sto res-html - Red Barn Meat Rolls: http://www.redbarninc.
com/c-16-food-for-dogs.aspx - Chicken Jerky: http://www.redbarninc.c